Living Life and Loving It!

Living Life and Loving it!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Yay for Friday!

Today is an exciting day! One of my besties, Taylar is coming for a visit and Patrick is coming home! Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning because I want everything to be perfect for Patrick's return. I also managed to get out and go to Babies R Us for Taylar's baby shower gift, Hobby Lobby for Cohen's OKC Thunder onsie, and finally Walmart for a FEW things which turned into a cart full! Needless to say this momma is worn out!

So I recently and finally took the initiative to touch up the paint in my kitchen and dining room. It is painted in a milk chocolate high textured adobe style plaster. I just bought some acrylic paint at Hobby Lobby and tried to match it as best as possible. There is left over paint from the builders in the garage but I was trying to avoid dragging the big can of paint in the house and I especially did not want to inhale the fumes. So my easy way out was an epic FAIL! lol Let's just say I suck! Here is a pic of what I thought was going to "blend" right in!

I'm going to back track a little and post a 27 week belly pic. For some reason and the same reason I started this blog is that I am not very good at remembering or documenting things. For example I have maybe 4 different pics of my pregnant belly with Hadley so I promised myself that I was going to take weekly pics with this third and final pregnancy. So far I have two pics (15th and 27th week). Another epic FAIL on my part! I am now 34 weeks and have not taken any pics in between the 27th and 34th week so I need to get on the ball! Here is  my week 27 pic!

Hadley's new thing is walking up to me and getting in my face while jabbering like she is really telling me a story. I love it! She sounds like she is speaking Chinese. I will try really hard to get a video of it but she stops everything she is doing the second I pull out my phone. Its like she purposely does it I swear! She is also becoming more aware of the baby in my belly. She points at my belly and says baby baby baby. The other day I was washing some bottles and pacifiers, which she thought were hers of course, and I explained to her that they belonged to the baby in my belly. She actually excepted it without whining that time. Even though Hadley has been off a bottle since she was 12 months old when she sees one she thinks she has to have it! We had a little bit of kiddie pool time since the weather has been so amazing this week. She loves the water and is not afraid at all which is nice but a little nerve racking when we go to my parents lake house. When we are down at the dock she gets so close to the edge and even though she has a life jacket on it still freaks me out! She gets it from Kaston, he was never scared of water and was jumping in the lake at age 2! Any way back to the kiddie pool- I bought this little blow up pool and I know I should have just bought the hard plastic one with a slide because they are way easier to maintain! However I bought this pool in March when it was nice and we used it one of the days is was 80+ degrees outside and they did not have the slide pool in stock yet. I would like to get a soft pool so that Kaston could swim in it too. We ruled out getting an in-ground pool this year because of the new baby coming and all of the maintenance they require. Hopefully we can work on getting one for next summer. When you live in OK and in the dead of summer you almost have to have a pool! It gets so hot that we hardly even go outside so it would pay for itself in entertainment to put a pool in. Here is a pic and video of Hadley enjoying some pool time. Notice Reese on the pic, she wanted to get in real bad! lol

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